New Website

Well it is finally finished! I am psyched to say after many years of talking about creating a new site where I not only can share my work but can also post ideas, thoughts and works in progress is finally up and rolling. The first design of the Child’s Eye Designs website was something I was very proud of. It was through that site I learned a massive amount of detail about website design as well as the ability to learn Actionscript as well as working in flash.

I have always been a person who has been able to learn very quickly especially when being thrown to the wolves. That first iteration of the website was my way of proving that I could learn something new very quickly. I had just been offered an internship out of school doing interactive design. I had worked in print, animation, motion graphics and a tiny bit of web design but not a clue about flash and interactive design. So I accepted the internship and at the same time started developing that site which I was determined would teach most of what I would need to know to begin to scratch the surface. Luckily I was right, and I landed my first design job being hired on fairly quickly after my internship. That opened up the opportunity to work with a great team of designers learning many aspects of interactive design and even more about graphic design in general. I have since moved on from that position and have taken those valuable skills with me.

That is my favorite thing about this career of being designer. There is so much to learn and so many ways to grow as long as you continue to reach and allow yourself make cool things. So here is hoping my new website begins a new chapter of allowing me to grow and share new work I am creating for clients as well as personal projects that keep the gears spinning. I hope you enjoy and continue to come back. I will be sharing works in progress as well as fun creations here n the blog and finished pieces that I am especially happy about will be over in the portfolio section of the site.